Food Adulteration and Fortification

Food adulteration refers to the deliberate addition or contamination of food items with harmful substances or the removal of valuable ingredients, often for economic gain. This malpractice compromises food quality and safety, posing significant health risks to consumers. Common adulterants include chemicals, dyes, and inferior or spurious materials, which can lead to foodborne illnesses, chronic diseases, and in severe cases, death. Regulatory bodies worldwide strive to detect and prevent food adulteration through stringent standards and inspections, but challenges persist due to the complexity and scale of food supply chains, Food fortification involves the deliberate addition of essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to food products to address nutritional deficiencies in populations. This public health strategy aims to enhance the nutritional quality of the food supply and improve overall health outcomes, particularly in vulnerable groups such as children, pregnant women, and the elderly. Commonly fortified foods include staple items like salt, flour, milk, and cereals. Successful fortification programs require collaboration between governments, food manufacturers, and health organizations to ensure that the added nutrients are bioavailable and that fortified foods reach those most in need.

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